Wednesday, May 2, 2007

CSS Reset Reloaded

Eric Meyer, CSS Guru gives us a run down on some extreme CSS Reset. Think of these as a starting point for creating your own defaults, in addition to being a way to illuminate the nature of browser defaults. Simply the act of taking those defaults into consideration and thinking about them closely puts you ahead of 99% of your peers.

read more | digg story

I think that this is awesome, and will really help with browsers that make assumptions about how developers want their pages to render, but at the same time it is a shame that we have to do this at all.

The strict doctype was established to tell the browser, "hey, I know what I am doing, don't add padding or anything." Its a shame that the doctype is mostly ignored by many browsers. At the same time in defense of the browsers, I see plenty of times where people are misusing the doctype by claiming strict, but their site does not even come close to validating.

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