Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Google getting into politics?

I know that it is imperative that Google get through to the thick skulls up in D.C. but I have to believe that they are just wasting their time.  These people think the internet is a bunch of tubes.  I don't know that Google really needs to spend their money on buying congressmen.  As soon as a law is passed, ala DMCA, technology figures out a way to skirt the law, or some Scandanavian country refuses to enforce it, thank God for northern Europe.  Without people somewhere who get that the Internet needs to remain as free and open as it can, we wouldn't stand a chance.  Technology is two steps ahead of legislation, and as long as it stays that way, the government doesn't matter.

Washington hasn't been a frequent pit stop for Google executives, but the company is trying to change that as it tangles on more issues requiring some policy savvy. The company has bulked up its lobbying operations and yesterday brought in Schmidt, who spoke before a crowd of 200 for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He held forth about the democratic nature of the Internet and how it is empowering people all over the world. Afterward, he took his message to Capitol Hill, touting Google's position on key Internet policy issues to the new Congress.

Google Still Searching For Recognition in D.C. -

However, having said that.  It would be much more helpful to innovation and development if the Government were on board.  If they understood how much greater our economic development would be without ridiculous DRM, and half-baked laws bought by Comcast.

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