Tuesday, April 24, 2007

12-year old Nigerian becomes Sun certified Java Programmer

One less Nigerian spammer, who knows? Maybe just learning the tools to deliver more spam faster! In any case, a 12 year old Nigerian kid has earned professional recognition from Sun as a certified Java programmer. - Digg

I'm really surprised by the responses from people on Digg. So what if the kid says he thinks blacks are more intelligent than whites. First of all, the title of black and white don't mean anything. The kid is 12. He is clearly misguided. That doesn't mean that he is not smart, or that this is not an accomplishment. All Nigerians are not spammers. A lot of spam comes from China, but no one is saying that all Chinese people are spammers. I can't believe how racist, both this kid, and the people on Digg who responded to that are. Check it out for yourself....

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