Saturday, February 24, 2007

Amarok for Ubuntu Linux

Amarok - Rediscover Your Music - Amarok is the music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. Amarok makes playing the music you love easier than ever before - and looks good doing it.

Amarok - rediscover your music

You know, for a long time I thought that the music support in Linux was awful.  There were no applications, most of them didn't support aac, specifically Apple's wierd m4a file extention.    But that was a few weeks ago, before I found Amarok.  This program does everything that iTunes should do.  The music suggestion system is sweet, and the integration with is great to say the least.  I was worried when I switched from Windows that I would miss a lot, but actually I'm finding new stuff that has always been out there, but that I just didn't know was there thanks to Ubuntu linux.

The best thing about Amarok is that it is so easy to set up and get going through Ubuntu, but if you want to get into more deep stuff it is right there.  Furthermore, the integration with Wikipedia is genius.  All in all, this music player is truly a 10 / 10!

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